
Case chronology made easy

Webinar  |  On-demand

Case chronologies are vital to building comprehensive understanding of your case, but they can be labour intensive, time-consuming and prone to errors, particularly when created manually.

Discover common challenges and time-saving tips in our webinar, "Case chronology made easy" with insights from former litigation lawyers Nadia Nicolaou and Ariane Tadayyon. View the discussion to learn how you can quickly organise, visualise, and analyse key facts as you prepare for a case with Opus 2.

The webinar will explore how to:

  • Streamline creating and editing case events
  • Build comprehensive, interactive, and visual case timelines
  • Reduce manual and administrative tasks
  • Connect your chronology to key documents, characters, and more


Nadia Nicolaou

Disputes Expert
Opus 2

Ariane Tadayyon

Disputes Expert
Opus 2

On demand webinars

Watch the other two webinars in this Opus 2 Cases webinar series on demand.
